Three Reasons It’s Important To Celebrate The Smallest Steps Of Progress

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Who doesn’t like to celebrate? Celebrating can mean anything from a high five and “great job” to treating yourself to a nice dinner or getaway and beyond. However you like to celebrate, it’s important to do so as you’re making progress on your life’s journey and here are three reasons why:

1. One step forward is huge in itself.

You know how hard it can be to make any progress. We’re human and either tend to fall back into the comforts of life (what’s familiar) especially in times of change, or we’re really just trying not to sink and sometimes that means doing the bare minimum. It can be hard to progress which is why any step forward (even if it’s a tiny one) is a huge success!

Find a way to remind yourself not to get discouraged. If you’re trying, great! Keep going! Know that not every day is going to be a day that you’re moving forward (sometimes you’ll even move back). It’s those days that help make days of progression taste even sweeter.

2. Celebrating the small steps of progress keeps you motivated instead of discouraged.

Even if it’s a pat on the back or just taking a minute to recognize how well you’re doing, being able to celebrate the progress you’re making will keep you wanting to move forward (it will give you momentum). It will help you recognize that you are making a difference, that you deserve to be happy (because you do), and will limit feelings of discouragement.

Have you ever done something for someone and they came back to you with a “thank you”? How did that make you feel? Hopefully, you felt good and were maybe even driven to do more for that person. It’s different when we do something for someone and there is no appreciation shown. In that situation, you may not care to help them again.

We can’t always count on others to help us feel good about the work we’re doing, especially if it is for our personal goals. Sure there will be times where they will offer that encouragement to you, but finding your own way to celebrate your successes will allow you to better control the progress you’re making because you’re able to better recognize the progress on your own.

Plus, we could all love ourselves a little more <3 😉

3. You’re important and simply deserve to celebrate (change is HUGE and YOU’re doing it!!).

Okay really, who doesn’t deserve some party time after achieving something? Again, it can be big or small, but change is so hard and you are actually trying to create it! Step by step, you are actually doing it!!

Wouldn’t you want to congratulate a friend when they’ve made it a step closer to their goal? You’re important and deserve to be shown that same respect (even by yourself), so let yourself enjoy life a little when that good change is happening!


What is your favorite way to celebrate your victories?? Comment below!

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