An Introduction To Enhancing The Good

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Hello and welcome!

I just wanted to take the opportunity of using this first post as an introduction to this blog, explain what it will be examining (including its goals), and invite you to become part of this new and exciting take on life.

Growing up, my father would remind me of a story every so often. It’s very simple and about a man who wanted to change the world:

This man tried so hard to change the world, but he couldn’t do it, so he tried to change his country.Through his efforts, it wasn’t enough, so he tried to change his town. Yet again, he failed. He turned to working on his neighborhood, then his family, but still couldn’t do it. The man then tried to change himself, and from that, his family changed. The effects of his family’s influence then changed their neighborhood, then their town, then their country. Finally, the world changed.

If you want to change the world and influence it for good, I love the enthusiasm and wish you the best! If you want to focus on the more personal level or in your families, fantastic! No matter what you want to do in life, remember that it starts with you and the goodness you carry. You are the special and important piece in it all, and you can do anything!

No worries if you haven’t had the chance to read the About section of this site yet, but as explained, it briefly mentions the importance of the individual and that we all have great potential. Throughout my life and to this day, I’ve learned lessons that have simply taught me who I am, why I’m here, and where I’m going (which I’m sure we all wonder at some point in our lives). Along with sharing some of the insights I’ve gained through these lessons, I’ve started this blog as a place to begin seeking, pondering and discussing individual potential and the things we can do to better ourselves, by drawing from the good that’s around us. Along with focusing on the self, family and loved ones are beyond important! What are the things we can be doing to help them? How can we grab the goodness that stretches throughout the world and bring it into our homes? And as the story suggests, what can we be doing to positively impact the world? How can we emphasize the goodness that exists, and is sadly often outshone by the bad? I hope that this blog will be the start of a community where anyone and everyone feels comfortable to share their thoughts on these topics as well as the growth they are experiencing. I hope we can help, influence, and support each other and beyond. And who knows? Maybe it will grow to be better than we could have imagined.

So, what do you say? Are you in for the journey of enhancing the good in yourself, your family, and the world?

5 responses to “An Introduction To Enhancing The Good”

  1. Kayden

    This is wonderful I can’t wait to embark on this journey with you, I can’t wait to learn and grow. Looking forward to more posts.

  2. Catrina Booth

    I love the focus of being able to help build yourself up first then move on to bigger and world changing things. Everyone wants to make a difference but it does start with ourselves first. Thanks for that reminder.

  3. Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular post! It is the little changes which will make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!

  4. SO excited or this!!

  5. Unknown User


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