Four Steps To Take When Planning To Make The Most Out Of Your Day

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There are good days and bad days (we all have them, right?). I love to think that without the “bad” days, we couldn’t have good ones. However, no matter what kind of day it is, we can always make the most of it no matter what. It comes down to four steps when wanting to make this possible and we’re going to uncover them right now!

1. Identify what time of day you have the most energy (when do you feel the most energized or motivated?)

What time of day do you feel most productive? Is it the early hours of the morning when the rest of the world is still sleeping? Is it in the afternoon when you are able to thrive on a burst of energy that comes from a hearty lunch? Or do you find that you have the most motivation in the evening or night, when things start calming down for the day and you only have so much time to complete what you’ve been tasked (maybe procrastination is how you thrive or you simply just have more energy in the evening). Whatever time of day it is, picture it in your mind. How would your life look differently if you were able to schedule most (if not all of your to-dos) during this time?

Although it would be nice if our work schedule or the schedule of businesses revolved around the time of day that best works for us, that’s not always possible. However, knowing when that best time is can help you be able to structure the rest of your day around it, making the most out of your day!

2. Identify what obstacles might be preventing you from making the most of this time

We already mentioned work and other business’/people’s schedules conflicting with our own, but what other obstacles might be preventing you from making the most of your best time of day?

I have a client who thrives in the evening time. That’s when his energy is at its peak, when he can feel most relaxed as well as clear-minded, and when he is most open to getting things done. This client also has a great interest in video games and for a while, they were preventing him from getting anything else done because that’s what he would default to doing each evening.

As we worked through this obstacle, he found the ability to be able to make the most of his evenings while not entirely sacrificing the thing that he loved, yet there is always that temptation.

What temptations or distractions do you face that keep you from being active in your preferred time of day? They can be similar to what my client experienced (a want/desire to relax and have fun) or something that might not necessarily be avoidable.

3. Schedule and move things around so you have the time

Now that you’ve identified what distractions/obstacles/etc. get in your way of making the most of your day, it’s time to strategize how you can move these things around to make the most of your time.

Like my client who was just mentioned, he worked with a coach to be able to find balance between responsibility and fun. Often times, people have to ask for help from others when they can’t avoid responsibilities such as work or taking care of family. Can any of your obstacles be moved to a different time? If not, how can you share this valuable time of day with multiple tasks demanding your attention?

4. Make an action plan to succeed at your goals

Now that you’ve identified the time of day you thrive the most, the obstacles that prevent you from making the most of that time, and you’ve thought about how you can move your schedule around to do this, it’s time to make an action plan to succeed at your goals!

What are the goals you’ve wanted or have been working on? What do you need to do during this time of day to get you one (or a few) steps closer to accomplishing this goal? Are there habits you can put into place each day at the same time that will consistently bring you closer to your goals?

Being pregnant which drained the energy out of what felt like every ounce of my body and therefore needing a nap just about every afternoon (which is my prime time of day), I had to make a plan on how to take care of my physical needs that were being demanded of me while at the same time being able to work, get things done around the house, run errands, etc. It wasn’t easy, but as I learned how to created tasks that lead to my goals, prioritize, be flexible, etc., I was able to make the most of each one of my days.


I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to reach the goals that you have for yourself. It can take a little bit of sacrifice at times, but I promise that you can do it and I’m here to support and cheer you on!! I hope you apply the things you learn from here because they work!!

I would love to hear from you! What is your most motivating time of day? What obstacles do you face when trying to make the most of this time and have you found any ways to help you through them?

Until next time!

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