Three Ways To Use Motivators To Bring You Success

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Ever tried doing something with no motivation? Pretty sure any progress in life, anything we have to get done, gets done because there is a reason either pushing or pulling us to. Motivators are huge! When it comes to finding success in our own lives, it’s important to understand how to use motivators to help us.

Here are three ways that you can use motivators to bring you success:

1. Don’t use your motivators until you’ve actually accomplished moving toward your goals

What motivates you? Are you motivated more by rewards or by punishments? How often do you use these motivations in your life either to actually motivate you or just to enjoy life?

When it comes to wanting to see success with your personal goals, and you understand what your motivators are, it’s important to control when you use them. If you’re someone who is motivated with rewards, don’t use that reward until you have moved a step closer to your goal. Doing this will help your brain recognize that the things you’re doing to accomplish your goal(s) are good and that you actually like doing them.

*** It’s important to note that this works with specific motivators, such as rewards, rather than with motivators such as time with family (which can’t be ignored) or punishments (which when you have made progress, aren’t necessary anymore)

2. Schedule your motivators so that you have to accomplish something before you indulge

This mostly helps those who feel guilty when they do something without “deserving” it.

If you’re someone who has dessert every night after dinner, and that is something you look forward to, make sure that you have time to make progress towards your goal before you sit down for dinner. That way, if you make any accomplishments, you can enjoy dessert guilt-free!

Timing your motivator will give you a deadline which encourages you to get it done sooner rather than later. If you’re someone who tends to procrastinate, implement this step to help you!

3. Use your motivators when creating a plan or schedule (and be as creative as you can)

Life is so much better when you can have fun. Whatever your unique talents and abilities might be, use them to make the process of achieving your goal(s) fun and something you look forward to doing.

Is organizing one of your strengths? Are you good at connecting with others or creating inspiring pieces of art? Ask yourself how you can use these to remind yourself of your goals and execute the plans necessary to progress towards them.


What motivates you?

What are some of your skills and strengths? How have they helped you progress in the past and would you do something similar now to help you move towards the goals you’ve set?

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