The Important Things In Life

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What’s important to you?

Money, fame, family, “success”, education, “happiness”… I’m sure we could make a long list of things that we consider as important, right? And to each individual person, the list might look a little different.

When we try to create change in our life and are working on accomplishing those goals we set out for long ago with no sign of success yet, we need to stop and think why we haven’t yet accomplished them.

Before we dive too deep into that, I want you to ask yourself what it is that you do remember to do on a daily basis without fail. Is that making dinner for your family? Remembering to pick up the kids from school or practice at a certain time? Do you remember to watch your favorite show before you go to bed? How about to eat at certain times of the day?

Maybe some of these things that we naturally remember to do every day are more important than others, but if we’re automatically doing them, they must be important to us in some way or another.

If this new exercise, relationship, or work-related goal you have set for yourself is so important for your well-being now and for your future self, why is it that you’re not remembering to do the things that help you accomplish it?


Early on in marriage, and really as you’re figuring out how to “adult” in life, finances become somewhat of a constant stressor unless you have it really nailed down (which I’m sure few of us probably do, haha).

Figuring out a budget and savings plan (and all the other fun things that come with money) was not something I looked forward to doing and tried putting off as much as possible, however, I knew it was important. I knew that if I wanted to live comfortably and have memorable experiences and opportunities with my family, AND not have to constantly worry about money, this was something my husband and I had to sit down and figure out together.

It’s not that I had to make up crazy ways to get myself to remember to put aside savings each week or make sure to check in every so often to see if we were sticking to our budget. These things naturally happened as I already had the constant longing to be able to enjoy experiences with friends and family as well as have the piece of mind that everything was going to be okay with us, financially.

The goals I had set financially were reached with what felt like little effort because I naturally remembered the reason I wanted to achieve them. Because my goals were reached, I get to live the experiences I originally desired (including traveling which is what the picture below is).


Now I want you to ask yourself, while thinking about why your goal(s) haven’t yet been reached, what it is that is going to naturally remind you to become a step closer to your desired outcome? Is this goal going to allow you to have more energy to spend time with loved ones and do the things you enjoy? Is it going to allow you to have more freedom? More opportunities? And why are those things important to you?

What is it that is important to you? Let me know in the comments!

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