Growth Comes From Experiencing Difficulties

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The picture below was taken during a long and difficult hike. Now any time I get the opportunity to go on a hike, I can honestly say that I’m never really excited about it upfront. I go along with the idea and will prepare and try and get myself excited to go, but I’m pretty sure there’s never really been a time where I went on one and was actually thrilled about it at the beginning…

However, I also never once have regretted going once it has been completed.

Physical fitness is so not my passion. Nature is pretty, but I like it from the comfort of the indoors, away from all the dirt and bugs and sweat… I’m totally fine staying away from experiences like this, though I’ve come to learn that it’s the experiences that make us uncomfortable that also help us to grow.

At the end of each hike I go on, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I get a rush of energy I’m not used to feeling, quality time spent with loved ones, my body’s well-being is tons better both physically and mentally, and I also gain a greater appreciation for God and the things He has created.

Have you ever experienced anything like this?

Maybe social settings are not your ideal way to have a good time. You’d rather spend the evening at home in your pajamas and in the company of your favorite show and snacks.

Maybe avoiding that person you’ve had mixed feelings about is going well for you despite the fact that you get all tense whenever their name is mentioned or they’re around.

Maybe you experience so much joy and freedom, knowing you can spend your money however you want and whenever you want instead of restricting yourself to a budget or savings plan.

There’s a million examples…

But how would your life look if you plowed through the challenges you’re facing and got over them for the sake of doing what you know or feel is good and better for you in the long run? How would you change as a person? How would these actions affect others?

Facing the things holding us back is the best way to move forward as we will be able to conquer future difficulties over and over without hesitation. We will become better and stronger! It doesn’t mean it will be easy, but the rewards will be well worth it.

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