Introduction To A New Model- Admittance

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Last week, we talked about the first step in the new model you can use to make changes in your life: Belief. As Henry Ford once famously said: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”. There is more that comes with belief, but to simply recap, treat your belief as a seed and nourish it to where it will one day become all you hoped it would.

Jumping right into the next step, we have what I call Admittance.

Picture a gala. It’s the biggest event of the year, being held in a museum which holds some of the most priceless works of art. Awards will be given to some of the most well-known celebrities of the modern day, a five course meal served, and the finest entertainment will perform.

How are you going to get in? Pretty sure you can’t just waltz right in from off the street as all attendees are required to wear formal attire, and there’s probably only a select amount of people allowed to enter as the seats are limited. You’d most likely have to know someone to even be considered as a potential guest. The details such as these are some of the pre-requirements to get you past the security guards and into the event of the century.

Similarly, if we have a destination we’re trying to reach in our lives, it’s kind of impossible to just show up to that desire and hope we’re magically transformed into the new version of ourselves. There’s preparation involved. The Admittance part of this is the process we take before actively acting on the steps that will move us forward, to where we want to be. We first need to take care of the past! If we try to move forward in our lives, we won’t be able to make it very far if there’s something holding us back.

Let’s say you have a goal of getting to a certain weight. You might have a voice in your head that is constantly putting you down. You might have the temptation of your favorite snacks lying around, where at your weakest, you fall into consuming those temptations. It could be that there are no easily accessible healthy foods or that you don’t have any time to workout. What are you lacking? What needs to be adjusted in your life so that you can move forward? In this particular example, getting rid of temptations is a huge step! Learning to ignore that voice in your head, make time for exercise, and come up with a healthy meal plan (and sticking with these changes) will provide you with the strength you need to move forward and reach your desired outcome! Of course there will always be hiccups that come up no matter how much progress you’ve made on your goal, but it’s definitely a lot easier to handle if you’ve already found the strength to overcome the most difficult ones.

This step is not easy. Referring back to the gala example, I think most of us would prefer being in our comfortable pajamas rather than a restricting dress or suit, but our goals aren’t going to let us achieve them by being comfortable 100% of the time. Sometimes we have to find the courage to let go of what we find comfort in to receive something that is a lot more desirable.

I understand that going to a gala isn’t on everyone’s list of favorite things to do, but don’t dwell on that. If you get anything out of reading this post, remember that the second step of this model is Admittance, which is the process of letting go/finding resolution of the things holding you back.

Now, I want you to think of a goal you have and ask yourself the following questions (feel free to share your thoughts in the comments):

  1. Is there anything holding you back from achieving this goal? If so, what is it?
  2. What could you do to overcome these roadblocks? (Try to think of a couple ways for each one)
  3. What other challenges can you foresee in this journey and how can you prevent them from happening (or persevere)?

I encourage you to do all you can to overcome whatever it is that is holding you back from reaching your goal. Recognizing these challenges and overcoming them now will allow you to stretch to the potential that you have so much of! You will then be “admitted” to continue your journey, full of wonderful experiences and opportunities! I’ve found that as I’ve done this in my life, my actions, desires, and thoughts change to work more in harmony with my goals and I’m able to feel more peace, hope, and happiness. Don’t worry if this step takes you a while or you find yourself coming back to it. It’s a lifelong process and you’ll get stronger as you work hard at it!

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