Balance Of The Roles and Responsibilities – Introduction

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As we move to a new month, it’s time to introduce a new topic! So the topic for this month? Wow, you’re so observant! It’s “balance”! More specifically, “balance of the roles and responsibilities in ourselves, our families, and the world”.

I am one who gets overwhelmed very easily. If I had to guess, I would say about 70% of my day involves me being stressed. I don’t like to be the person who is always up to something because I don’t really like stress overtaking my body all day every day, so I find myself trying to commit to as little responsibility as possible. However, we’re human and we can’t avoid responsibility all the time. There are roles that we have to take on whether that’s being a spouse, friend, daughter/son, sister/brother, mother/father, employee, cook, chauffer, student, homemaker, provider (I think you get it). Quite often, these can feel like WAAAYY too much to handle, so I wanted to talk about it and that’s why we’re here!

According to Gitnux, “66% of full-time employees say they don’t strongly believe they have a work-life balance” (1). If that’s just talking about those with the role of “employee” vs all other roles, how much imbalance do we have within all of our other roles? The role of employee/boss is a huge part of a lot of our lives, but only part of what I want to shine light on this month.

I hope to lightly cover how we can find balance in ourselves, our families, and the world this month, but before I get further into any of those, please consider the following questions and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!:

  1. What roles and responsibilities do you find in your life that you wish you had more balance between? (What do you want more of and what do you want less of?)
  2. How would having a more balanced life affect you?
  3. How would having a more balanced life affect others in your life?
  4. Why do you think having a balanced life is important? If you think it’s not, why not?
  5. What are you willing to sacrifice to bring more balance between your roles and responsibilities?


1- “Work-Life Balance Statistics 2023: The Big Picture.” GITNUX, 18 Aug. 2023,,re%20considering%20a%20new%20job.&text=66%25%20of%20full%2Dtime%20employees,have%20a%20work%2Dlife%20balance. Accessed 31 Aug. 2023.

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