The 3 Groups Of People Affected By Our Fuel Drive

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If you follow @abalancedwife on Instagram or Facebook you might’ve read that one of my clients’ wives was inspired to overcome her procrastination to work on her goals because she saw the progress that her husband was making on his. How exciting is that?? It’s not that he was directly encouraging her to do it, but the change she recognized in her husband helped her become determined to do the same for herself.

Think about how much time you spend with people.

At home, work, during the fun activities you participate in during your free time, and even running errands. Who exactly are these people?

  1. Those we see every day- This can be family, roommates, friends, significant others… Normally people we live with and see every day without fail. These people are affected the most by our fuel drive because of how much time we spend around them. They’re the ones that most likely know the most about our lives; our struggles and triumphs, and can easily notice when we’re making steps of progress.
  2. Those we see on a regular basis- Co-workers, classmates, friends and family (that we might not see too often), etc. We go to work/school most days but not every day. We share some details of our lives with these people but not everything. They’re still affected by us, and us by them, especially as we still share quite a bit in common.
  3. Occasional Encounters- This is strangers and people who could be considered as potential friends but maybe aren’t there yet. I know it’s hard to think with strangers especially, but how many times have you watched a video or witnessed a random act of kindness and have been inspired to do something good on your own? And all because a stranger decided to do something kind and share it. Or the opposite affect where you’ve heard and seen contention between two or more groups of people you don’t know but become fueled with passion and/or anger because of their own?

The more time we spend with people, the bigger the effect we’ll most likely have on them, and them on us. However, no matter who we may come across, the effects still happen!

We’ve already discussed what makes great fuel and what our life looks like without it, and now as we consider how our fuel can affect others’ lives and how they can affect our fuel, what are you going to do about it? Are you more motivated to finally accomplish your goals, knowing that others could be affected by your progress? Are there people in your life who you want to be around more often because of the affect they might have on you?

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