Two Ways To Maximize The Use Of Fuel In Your Life

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We’ve talked quite a bit this month about fuel but haven’t focused too much on the side of what we need to be doing to maximize the use of it in our lives!

There are many things that can energize, motivate, and give us joy, but there are also a couple of things we need to be doing to help us keep going no matter what may come our way to prevent us from reaching our goals or slow us down.

These two ways that maximize our use of fuel are extremely important to have in your life, if not already. If you already do these things and still aren’t seeing the results you hoped for, it may be time to look at a new way to go about and enhance them some more!

The first way to maximize our use of fuel is to create healthy and constant habits.

Life is so much easier and goes way smoother when the tasks we have to complete on a daily basis happen without us having to put much thought or energy into them. That way, we can save all that thinking and energy for the things that require it the most!

Think of a goal you have been struggling with and break it down to small tasks that can be done on a daily basis.

I know I brought this example up a couple of months ago when I mentioned my dislike for reading growing up. I learned that reading could be beneficial in many ways and that it wasn’t just something to force students to do as busy work. So, I began to want to want to read and set the goal of reading so many books a year. Breaking this goal down, I decided that my daily task (that would soon become a habit) would be to read one page of a book every single day. It’s something small and achievable by anyone, so this was my starting point.

As time has gone on, my body can’t go to bed unless I’ve read at least a page. Most often, it turns out to be around a chapter a day that I’m reading, but on busy days, even just having been able to read one page puts me a step closer to reaching my goal. And I’m so happy to say that I’ve exceeded that goal extremely!

See how habits can benefit you in the long run? Breaking your goal down into tiny steps may make it seem that you’re not accomplishing much each day, but as the days add up, you start to reap the reward AND feel a little more motivated when you’re making those small steps each day.

Stop right now if you haven’t already, and break down your goal(s) into habits you can be doing on a daily basis (or at least a couple of times a week). Once you’ve accomplished these things over the course of about a month, they will start to become part of what you naturally do everyday, and you don’t even have to think about putting in the work to reach your goal, it will just happen!

The second way to maximize our fuel is making sure we’re participating in self-care.

This can be the essential oils, candles, and a bubble bath mix every other night, taking yourself out to get lunch and spend time with friends, or really anything! The most important thing is that whatever it is, it just needs to be something that genuinely makes you happy!

Humans are a lot like cars. Like cars, we can only go so far without refueling otherwise we’re pretty much useless.

Not only will giving ourselves the care we need when we need it helps us in the long run, but it will help us even more if we can keep ourselves cared for before we feel ourselves running low.

Staying on top and creating a habit of taking care of ourselves, making sure we’re happy, healthy, and energized, will help us to be able to maximize our fuel as we wouldn’t be able to do so lagging in any of those areas.

I know you’re so good and are going to implement each of these strategies in your life starting now, but I’m curious to know which one you’re more excited for? Tell me about it in the comments!

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