Always Have Something Good To Hold On To

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What’s that something that keeps you going when times get tough? A memory? A spouse, child, or friend? A hobby?

Having something that brings that light and hope into your life is like your personal powerhouse. Another way I’ve heard it described is as if you have a cup of water. Someone comes along with their empty cup and asks for some of your water, so you give it to them. Another person comes along, and because you’re so kind and want to help, you fill their cup as well. Pretty soon, you’re going to run out of water from your own cup and won’t have anything left to give. It is essential for you to fill your cup again before you can help anyone else fill theirs. That’s where your powerhouse comes in.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is my powerhouse. It’s my hope, my joy, my strength, and my support. It’s familiar territory for me. I spend much of my time learning about Jesus Christ’s Gospel (so in a way, it’s a hobby), and best of all, I am blessed with the greatest relationship. A relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Many of the things I will talk about on this blog will come from my faith. I have spent time studying, pondering, and feeling things beyond words that have inspired me and I know them to be true. Jesus Christ and His Gospel are my powerhouse. They are the good I hold on to and the good that keeps me going.

What is something good in your life that is also your powerhouse?

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