Are You Making Yourself A Priority? If Not, It’s Time!

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Today we’re going to do a little check-in on you to see how you’re doing! Grab a pen and piece of paper because it’s time to take notes as well as action on prioritizing YOU!

It may sound selfish to prioritize yourself, but how can you expect to give to and help others if the “cup” you’re pouring from is empty? To be able to fulfill others’ needs, making sure you have something fulfilling yours will ensure that you never run out of the ability to give.

Another way I like to look at it is that a car is pretty much useless if it has no fuel. A car’s purpose is to carry you from one place to another, but it can’t do so if it doesn’t have fuel. You’re the same way. In order to take care of others, you need to make sure you’re taking care of you first.

Without further ado, I want you to write five words down on your paper: Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, and Socially. With each one, ask yourself how you’re doing in all of these areas of your life. With each one, answer at least these three questions:

  1. In what ways am I “filling my cup” with this already? (How are you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and socially being filled?)
  2. How does this area help me and allow me to help others?
  3. What can I do better or add to my life, concerning this area, that will help me “fill my cup”?

Spiritually – The connection between you and a higher power.

Mentally – How you take care of your mind. The thoughts you have and the things you’re learning.

Emotionally – The processing of emotions. How you feel and express them.

Physically – How you are taking care of your body.

Socially – Your interactions and connections with people other than yourself.

Now that you’ve thought about and taken notes on what you need to do to prioritize you in these five areas of your life, it’s time to take action!

What are you going to do first?

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