Balance- In The World – (When And What To Say When It Throws Chaos Your Way)

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There are two answers you can give to the world when it throws chaos your way. Not only will we talk about them more in depth, but we will also talk about the best times to use each one.

Simply put, the two answers we can give the world are “yes” and “no”. That’s it. That’s all you need to remember!


Tell the world “no” when you have too much on your plate and think that taking on even just one more thing might tip it and knock everything to the ground. Often, we find ourselves trying to help out as much as we can and take on as much as possible. It’s our way of assisting others and also allows us to feel a sense of importance. However, when it gets to the point that we aren’t performing as well as we could be in our other roles and responsibilities, that’s when it can be dangerous!

My grandma has always been one of the most giving people I know. Growing up, all of her grandkids were (and still are) pretty involved in sports and other extra curricular activities. I don’t remember my grandparents missing a single event once in my life. They were even there for the little ones that didn’t seem to be all that important. I always appreciated this so much (who wouldn’t??). I had all the love and support I could hope for.

Recently, my grandma has been trying so hard to find balance in her life and say “no” to make this (balance) happen. This has been SO hard for her (for reasons such as the previously mentioned). There was one time a couple of months ago where I asked if I could ride up with her to an event that was going on, that she was going to as well. I could tell she so badly wanted to say yes or do anything in her power to find me a ride, but she said that she couldn’t (there was a lot going on and the logistics were pretty complicated). I don’t think I had ever heard her say that word to me, but never have I ever had more respect for her! I recognized that she was doing everything she could handle at that moment, and that one extra thing would have been too much, and she had the strength to see that and follow-through with her commitment to herself of finding balance.

What’s the worst thing that can happen if we say no? If the person asking us desperately needs someone else, that’s just an opportunity for them to ask another person. Even if that other person isn’t as “qualified” as we might be for the job, it gives them the chance to try, learn, and grow! It’s really a win for everyone (even if it doesn’t seem like it).

Saying “no” is an opportunity to not only excel at the other responsibilities we have going on, but also a time to take care of ourselves. We can only go so long without fueling up our body, otherwise we’ll brake down (and we don’t want that to happen).


The other option in response to the world asking favors of us is “yes”, but when is the right time to say that?

We’ve already talked about when it’s important to say no, so yes can pretty much be any other time (haha).

If you find yourself with the time, energy, and capacity to take on something else in your life, what good would it be to not say yes?

A couple of months ago, I wrote a few posts about the benefits of getting outside of our comfort zones to grow. Those are great examples to why we should say yes!

I’ll be honest, most days I want to sit in my house in my comfy pajamas and chill. With my lack of energy most days, that’s all I feel up to doing. BUT. When I’ve said yes to helping someone, going somewhere, or doing something, I don’t think I’ve ever regretted it and I usually come home with more energy than I had before!

When we say yes when we CAN take something on (even if we don’t necessarily WANT to), we’re given new opportunities that actually end up balancing us out more than you would think. You never know the benefits that can come from “yes”. But it’s not always about the benefits either, hopefully it’s often about others as well.

Is there one answer you need to be telling the world more of than the other? Do you feel like you have this strategy pretty under control? What other thoughts do you have? I’d love to hear what you have to say!

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