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  • Growth Comes From Experiencing Difficulties

    The picture below was taken during a long and difficult hike. Now any time I get the opportunity to go on a hike, I can honestly say that I’m never really excited about it upfront. I go along with the idea and will prepare and try and get myself excited to go, but I’m pretty…

Blog Post Archive

  • Growth Comes From Experiencing Difficulties

    The picture below was taken during a long and difficult hike. Now any time I get the opportunity to go on a hike, I can honestly say that I’m never really excited about it upfront. I go along with the idea and will prepare and try and get myself excited to go, but I’m pretty…

  • Eight Steps To Take That Will Bring You Success

    How many times have you set goals to get your life in order and then failed to complete them? Why is that? Often times, I find myself wanting to improve in certain roles while finding control to where it’s not overwhelming. However, once we try to stretch ourselves to change, we eventually withdraw back into…

  • The Important Things In Life

    What’s important to you? Money, fame, family, “success”, education, “happiness”… I’m sure we could make a long list of things that we consider as important, right? And to each individual person, the list might look a little different. When we try to create change in our life and are working on accomplishing those goals we…

  • Sometimes Going Backwards Is The Way Forward

    A little while ago, we were out celebrating my husband’s birthday. Over the past couple of years, him and I have discovered that this is a new passion of ours. For those of you who don’t know what bouldering is, from my understanding, it’s pretty much like rock climbing but without the ropes and harnesses,…

  • Three Ways To Use Motivators To Bring You Success

    Ever tried doing something with no motivation? Pretty sure any progress in life, anything we have to get done, gets done because there is a reason either pushing or pulling us to. Motivators are huge! When it comes to finding success in our own lives, it’s important to understand how to use motivators to help…

  • How To Use Habits To Help You Change NOW

    You’re ready for change! You’ve set goals in the past that have been unable to be reached either by failure to start or failure to keep going, but NOW is the time for change to happen! How? Habits! I LOVE using habits to create change. If you’re familiar with very many other posts I’ve written,…

  • Are You Making Yourself A Priority? If Not, It’s Time!

    Today we’re going to do a little check-in on you to see how you’re doing! Grab a pen and piece of paper because it’s time to take notes as well as action on prioritizing YOU! It may sound selfish to prioritize yourself, but how can you expect to give to and help others if the…

  • Work Hard Or Play Hard?

    Ever heard of the saying “work hard, play hard”? This is something I grew up hearing and I believe that it instilled in me a desire to first work hard at the things required of me, then enjoy whatever it was that I wanted to do when everything else was done. I’m so grateful that…

  • Three Reasons It’s Important To Celebrate The Smallest Steps Of Progress

    Who doesn’t like to celebrate? Celebrating can mean anything from a high five and “great job” to treating yourself to a nice dinner or getaway and beyond. However you like to celebrate, it’s important to do so as you’re making progress on your life’s journey and here are three reasons why: 1. One step forward…

  • Three Important Roles Habits Play In Accomplishing Goals

    Last week, we went over how (when overcoming the overwhelming) it’s important to learn how to break up large tasks into smaller ones. Exercising used to be one of my absolute worst enemies (anyone feel me there?). I could get excited about a new routine or going on walks or runs every now and then,…

  • Three Rules When Trying To Overcome The Overwhelming

    When have you felt overwhelmed? This can be a moment in your life where you thought everything was about to come crashing down or several moments that feel the same when certain circumstances arise. We all feel overwhelmed throughout our lives and we experience it differently. No matter how you experience it, this is a…

  • Three Ways Daily Motivation Reminders Can Change Your Life

    What events are reoccurring daily in your life? Is it your morning workout, making sure dinner is on the table every evening, your afternoon walk… something else? How do you remember to do those things every day? Hopefully a lot of what you already do, you’re in the habit of and don’t need a reminder…

  • Four Steps To Take When Planning To Make The Most Out Of Your Day

    There are good days and bad days (we all have them, right?). I love to think that without the “bad” days, we couldn’t have good ones. However, no matter what kind of day it is, we can always make the most of it no matter what. It comes down to four steps when wanting to…

  • Three Elements That Build Up Reliable “Fuel”

    Back in October, I wrote this post. I wanted to share it again as it is such a great reminder! Thought I’d also give you a heads up that it’s a re-post because it talks about fall time (and March and October are definitely not the same, haha). ~ It’s that time of year! We’re…

  • How To Have Fun In The Strenuous Moments

    Oh so many people could benefit from this lesson of how to have fun in the strenuous moments in our lives. This lesson is critical, especially as we often (if not constantly) are seeking happiness. I am a true believer that happiness can be found anywhere and at any time. I’ve had many experiences where…

  • Three Reasons You Might Want To Consider Adding Habits To Crush Your Goals

    Exercising used to be one of my absolute worst enemies (anyone feel me there?). I could get excited about a new routine or going on walks or runs every now and then, but once I started the process of trying to regularly stick to it (or really even just get it started up), I lost…

  • Five Of The Consequences That Come From Not Succeeding

    Besides not reaching our goal, which is a devastating consequence in itself, there are five more consequences that you may or may not be aware of that can majorly affect you. As we read more about each one and its effects, think about which ones you have experienced not only in the past, but the…

  • The Six Topics You Need To Be “Set For Success”

    SUPER exciting news! Over the next few months, I will be posting content on social media that has to do with the new mini-course I’ve just designed, so make sure that you’re connected with us on Facebook and Instagram! Each Thursday, I’ll continue posting blog content that dives into these subjects a little deeper, so…

  • Three Important Qualifications Of Goal Setting

    If you’ve been keeping up on the content from the world of Enhancing The Good, you’ll notice that much of it is focused on the different essential parts that make finally reaching your goals much more realistic and manageable than without knowing these things. This week, we’re covering three very important qualifications for setting goals.…

  • How Four Simple Steps Can Help You Reach Your Goals

    We all have goals that vary from the smallest to the largest stretches we’ve ever put ourselves into. Without any difficulty, they wouldn’t be goals because we’d already have them, right? At one point or another in our lives, there’s usually some kind of financial goal that we set. It can be anything from saving…

  • The Five Keys Of Goal Setting

    Flash back to Junior High School: You’re sitting in health class and are learning about goals. The teacher writes five letters on the board: S. M. A. R. T Remember what these stand for? If you’ve been up-to-date on the social media posts (or just have a fantastic memory) you’ll know that these stand for…

  • Starting Now To Successfully Organize Your Goals (A Personal Story)

    A couple of years ago I found myself sitting in a conference room, having just started a new job, and anticipating the training my colleagues and I would be receiving that day. As our guest speaker spoke to us about bringing more balance in our lives and setting goals to do so, more and more…

  • The Best First Steps To Take When Trying To Get Organized

    First of all, let me say Happy Thanksgiving!! Over the last three weeks, we’ve covered a lot of information about organization (getting tired of it yet??). The first week involved us diving into some of the many benefits of organization (however, there are many more). The second week was revealing three useful (and free) tools…

  • Three Things To Keep In Mind When Trying To Become Organized

    Sure the organized life sounds nice, but how many times have you tried to be organized, just to revert back to your old ways? It’s a common struggle that we all deal with here and there in our lives, so nothing to get too down on yourself about! As the famous saying goes; “Rome wasn’t…

  • Three Useful (And Free) Tools You Can Use To Help You Organize The Chaos In Your Life

    Yesterday, I shared on social media the three free tools you can use to help you organize your life a little better. If you didn’t get a chance to catch that, no worries, because we’re going to be talking about them here! These tools have saved me SO many times! Not only have they helped…

  • Why It’s Important To Stay Organized When Trying To Achieve Your Goals

    New month means new topic! And yes, we’re focusing on organization now! Whether you already consider yourself an organized person or not, I’m sure we can all see that there are some benefits that come with living that kind of lifestyle. You don’t have to color-code the clothes in your closet or label and nicely…

  • Two Ways To Maximize The Use Of Fuel In Your Life

    We’ve talked quite a bit this month about fuel but haven’t focused too much on the side of what we need to be doing to maximize the use of it in our lives! There are many things that can energize, motivate, and give us joy, but there are also a couple of things we need…

  • The 3 Groups Of People Affected By Our Fuel Drive

    If you follow @abalancedwife on Instagram or Facebook you might’ve read that one of my clients’ wives was inspired to overcome her procrastination to work on her goals because she saw the progress that her husband was making on his. How exciting is that?? It’s not that he was directly encouraging her to do it,…

  • Four Ways The Lack Of “Fuel” Negatively Affects Our Ability To Progress

    Last week, we covered the necessary parts that make up reliable fuel to help us achieve great outcomes, but what does the lack of fuel do to us? I’m sure many of us have seen that side as we’ve come short of our goals, but let’s break it down so we have a better understanding…

  • Three Elements That Build Up Reliable “Fuel”

    It’s that time of year! We’re already a couple weeks in with pumpkin spice, colorful leaves, crisp air, football games, and of course the anticipation of the holiday season! I know there are plenty of fantastic times of the year, but is there really a better time than this?? I don’t know about you, but…

  • Balance- In The World – (When And What To Say When It Throws Chaos Your Way)

    There are two answers you can give to the world when it throws chaos your way. Not only will we talk about them more in depth, but we will also talk about the best times to use each one. Simply put, the two answers we can give the world are “yes” and “no”. That’s it.…

  • Balance – In Your Family – (3 Things You Can Do, Starting Now, To Balance Your Life With Family)

    I’m so grateful to have been brought up in a home where everyone loved and respected each other (and they still do). Among the two parents and five children that participated in many different responsibilities, we still had a lot of time together and hold on to many cherished memories. I recognize that not everyone…

  • Balance Of The Roles and Responsibilities – In Yourself – (What You Need To Do To Actually Achieve Balance This Time)

    How many times have you set goals to get your life in order and then failed to complete them? Why is that? Often times, I find myself wanting to improve in certain roles while finding control to where it’s not overwhelming. However, once we try to stretch ourselves to change, we eventually withdraw back into…

  • Balance Of The Roles and Responsibilities – Introduction

    As we move to a new month, it’s time to introduce a new topic! So the topic for this month? Wow, you’re so observant! It’s “balance”! More specifically, “balance of the roles and responsibilities in ourselves, our families, and the world”. I am one who gets overwhelmed very easily. If I had to guess, I…

  • Introduction To A New Model- Sustain

    Well we’ve made it to the final step of our transformation process! What a journey, but hasn’t it been so great?? A little recap on what we’ve talked about so far: So what about the final step? I guess I probably shouldn’t use the word “final” because that traditionally means it’s all over, which it’s…

  • Introduction To A New Model- Companionship

    Whew! It was hard to not reveal this step when talking about Promise last week because they go so hand-in-hand. Promise needs this step to be complete! I’ve already kept you waiting long enough to reveal what the fourth step in this model is, so without further ado, we have what’s called Companionship. That’s right.…

  • Introduction To A New Model- Promise

    Now that you’ve thought about some of the things holding you back from reaching your goal, and have made plans and taken action to overcome them, what’s the next step in your process of change? To introduce our third step, let’s go back to our elementary school days where life was a little simpler: Your…

  • Introduction To A New Model- Admittance

    Last week, we talked about the first step in the new model you can use to make changes in your life: Belief. As Henry Ford once famously said: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”. There is more that comes with belief, but to simply recap, treat your belief as a…

  • Introduction To A New Model- Belief

    I’ve been working on my certification to become a Life Coach (SO excited about this!!) and have been learning a lot so far! To shine a little bit of light on what that is, a Life Coach is someone who helps others accomplish goals in their lives, no matter what they may be (career, spiritual,…

  • Anxiety- In The World Around Us

    Well, we’ve learned a little bit about anxiety. We’ve learned how overcoming it can affect our lives, the lives of those close to us, but what about the rest of the world? Every day, we’re going to meet challenges that test our courage and our strength. When we accomplish one challenge, we may be given…

  • Anxiety- In The Lives Of Our Families

    Last week I touched on how anxiety can affect our personal lives and how it did in my own experience and the experience of my friend. Seeing that powerful change in my friend was and remains to amaze me to this day! And that reminder that they have of once being able to overcome a…

  • Anxiety- In Our Lives

    In continuation of last week’s post where we introduced the topic of anxiety, I wanted to focus this post more on the personal aspect of it. I’ve always had the fear of falling as I’m sure most people do. There’s no security, and I like 110% knowing that I’m safe. Recently, I had the opportunity…

  • An Introduction To Anxiety

    We’ve all felt it. That pounding in our chest, the sweat that begins collecting on our hands, a slight dizziness or nausea, and the thoughts in our head that make the difficult seem impossible. According to a variety of sources, anxiety is rising in adults at a rapid rate. These statistics don’t even take into…

  • Setbacks

    How do you feel about hiking? Whether you’re a fan or not, I think you’ll be able to relate to this analogy: There’s a hiking trail not too far from where I live that is switchback after switchback all the way from the bottom to the top. It’s not my favorite trail because of this.…

  • A Father Figure In Your Life

    How has your life been blessed because of fathers? Has it been benefited because you’ve had an example to follow? Have you been taught important lessons, skills, habits, etc.? Because of a father, have you had another friend to be there for you in times of mourning or celebration? This last Sunday, we got to…

  • Accessing Great Power And Bringing It Into Our Lives

    Whether you worship a God, formidable force, energy within yourself, or something else, how do you access that power? In the church that I attend, we have holy temples which are places we can go to make covenants (or promises) with God. There are several covenants you can make with Him, each one requiring something…

  • Beautiful Storms

    4:00am flashes onto the screen of my phone, accompanied by the gentle sounds of a classical tune to wake me for the day. It doesn’t take more than that to get me up because today, my husband and I will be setting out on a journey we’ve been excitingly preparing ourselves for. As we set…

  • Sometimes You Have To Go Back To Go Forward

    A couple of months ago, we were out celebrating my husband’s birthday. Over the past year, him and I have discovered that we love bouldering, so that’s what we did! For those of you who don’t know what bouldering is, from my understanding, it’s pretty much like rock climbing but without the ropes and harnesses.…

  • Investing Our Time In Something Worthwhile

    I recently came across a video by a man named Sadguru. I could explain the whole thing, but it might be better to let you watch it yourself and hear it from him! It’s not even a minute long and right below: Watching this hit me hard. For the past few months, I’ve found myself…

  • Down To The Root Of The Word “Perfect”

    Today I was reading from a manual that included the following: “The term perfect was translated from the Greek teleios, which means ‘complete.’… The infinitive form of the verb is teleiono, which means ‘to reach a distant end, to be fully developed, to consummate, or to finish.’ Please note that the word does not imply…

  • Gratitude Check

    “It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” – David Steindl-Rast It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and forget about the things that truly make you happy. Take a couple seconds or minutes (whatever time you have) to think of some things you’re…

  • The Spark Of Good That Can’t Die

    One day or another through the entirety of our lives, we’re bound to feel lost. Whether that comes from not feeling good enough, thinking you’ve failed your loved ones, not understanding your purpose, or not knowing what to do next (among many reasons), there’s always hope. That spark of good, no matter how dark your…

  • Seeing Imperfection In A Better Light

    If you’re like me, sometimes the smallest mistake can set you back and really get you down. I’ve re-lived many moments of my life over in my head, wishing I had said something different or reacted in a better way. Experiencing again and again what seems to be the unavoidable embarrassment, especially when we can’t…

  • Always Have Something Good To Hold On To

    What’s that something that keeps you going when times get tough? A memory? A spouse, child, or friend? A hobby? Having something that brings that light and hope into your life is like your personal powerhouse. Another way I’ve heard it described is as if you have a cup of water. Someone comes along with…

  • An Introduction To Enhancing The Good

    Hello and welcome! I just wanted to take the opportunity of using this first post as an introduction to this blog, explain what it will be examining (including its goals), and invite you to become part of this new and exciting take on life. Growing up, my father would remind me of a story every…