How Four Simple Steps Can Help You Reach Your Goals

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We all have goals that vary from the smallest to the largest stretches we’ve ever put ourselves into. Without any difficulty, they wouldn’t be goals because we’d already have them, right?

At one point or another in our lives, there’s usually some kind of financial goal that we set. It can be anything from saving up for that toy we wanted when we were little, to budgeting, buying a house, and more. What financial goals have you set for yourself before? Or if you have any right now, what are they?

Saving money is one of those really hard things to do, especially in the world we live in today. There are bills to pay, things we want, and sometimes others that we have to take care of. There are a million things out there begging for us to give money to and it’s not always easy saying no. However, especially for the bigger things we need in life, it’s critical to be strict with our budget. This was something my husband and I realized was a priority for us and we were willing to do what it took to get us to our financial goals, but figuring out what those steps were was a little tricky.

Luckily for you, I have found out what these steps are and am going to share them with you right now! Although I won’t go into much detail of how it was that we were able to execute each step, I will give you the what! And if the how is something you want, check out the link here to be led to the course that teaches you just that!

Let’s get to it!

The first step of how we achieved our financial goals, is a step I like to call Define. Now, usually we know what our goal is (and most often what might be preventing us from getting there), but defining is all about digging deep into what exactly our focus needs to be on, and what exactly the steps are that we need to get there.

For us, this meant that we needed to cut out certain distractions. We needed to create smaller goals that would help us build up to our larger ones, and we needed to be diligent about what we were doing each small step of the way. Define is really the what of the whole goal-setting process that helps you clearly understand what you’re after and the many different parts that contribute to you getting there. So that’s what we did! We sat down together and defined all of these things so we had a clear plan that we needed to follow.

Upon setting goals, I think a majority of us understand the importance of the Define step, and can do a pretty good job at it, but what happens next? We usually burn out because the steps we’ve laid out are “too hard”, “we don’t have enough time”, or simply lose caring that much about it. How sad is that? We set a goal for ourselves because we believe that we can do SO much better and are worth more than where we’re at, only to give up on ourselves?? Nuh uh, and that’s why we have the next step.

Step two is called Fuel. How were me and my husband going to stick to our plan when we were tempted to go out and eat when we didn’t feel like cooking or wanted to buy something new and exciting? How were we going to stick to it when our rent was at a way lower price than what a mortgage would be and we’d therefore have more money to spend if we stayed where we were at? Ah, the distractions. The road blocks and the easier paths to take. They’re tempting and often get the better of us.

No is a really useful word, and sometimes works, but it’s all about fueling yourself to power through those temptations. Not only could you turn away from them, but do them one better and knock through them like they aren’t even a problem for you. Like why are they even trying to waste their time with you??

Fuel in goal-achieving is a critical step that most people lack and is the reason for their so-called “failure”.

To power through our obstacles, my husband and I got together and we made a plan of how we would push through our obstacles. We gathered the tools we would need to help us along our way, and man, we went strong (and still are)!

Not to say that once you have a concrete plan in place, you’re good to go. Obstacles still come up, we’re human, and imperfections happen, hence why we have step number three to help us!

Prioritize. Need I say more? Who doesn’t struggle with getting their priorities in order? Again, those distractions can really get in the way… When you really want something, this step isn’t something that can be skipped. Of course you don’t have to drop your whole life and forget everything else going on to accomplish the goal you’re working on, but how much time you spend on each task and when you do it can really have either a positive or negative impact on the outcome of your situation.

Especially in the world of finances, we often have to ask ourselves what’s more important: That soda that (in the moment) sounds better than anything else in the world or a car that’s going to finally be reliable and make your life a million times easier? Yes, some sacrifices have to be made, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a soda until you’ve finally paid off the car you’ve been needing for so long.

This is where budgeting became a main focus for me and my husband. We could see clearly what our priorities were and it made it a little easier to make the decisions that would get us to our end result.

The final step is Habitualize. Yep, if you want to create lasting changes to your life, you’re going to have to make changes to your days and weeks. Even if it’s something small, habits are SO important!! They’re more useful in some goals rather than others, but all around, you can really come out on top from using them.

With financial goals, how do you think your day would look if you had healthy financial habits? What sacrifices would you need to make? What benefits could you see coming short-term? How about in the long run (hopefully your goal)?

Habits can be difficult because we can’t always see results immediately, but as they build on each other, they can really create an amazing result (and make it easier in the process of getting there).


Hopefully you learned something from this process and were able to think of how to apply it to the goal(s) you’re working on now. I can testify that this plan works! It is SO effective and has gotten me the results I’ve sought over and over again through the variety of different goals I’ve set (so yes, it doesn’t apply to only financial goals ;)). It’s such an effective process which is why I wanted to share it with you! You deserve to see your goals achieved!

Leave a comment and let me know how you can see this process changing your life for the better! Is there anywhere you noticed you could improve?

One response to “How Four Simple Steps Can Help You Reach Your Goals”

  1. Unknown User

    Habits are something I think I need to focus on more. Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge.

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