Introduction To A New Model- Sustain

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Well we’ve made it to the final step of our transformation process! What a journey, but hasn’t it been so great??

A little recap on what we’ve talked about so far:

  1. Belief- First, acknowledging that there’s something in your life that needs to change is crucial. You then need to truly believe that you’re capable of change and that you can reach the desired outcome you have for yourself, whatever it may be. Visualizing yourself there can help you make the decisions you need to now, and motivate you to get you to where you want to go. Practice these things. Nourish that seed and take care of it. As you watch it grow into a vibrant wildflower or a rare orchid, you’ll be glad you’ve been putting in the effort that you have!
  2. Admittance- It’s really difficult (and sometimes impossible) to move forward unless you’ve taken care of the past. This oftentimes prepares you for what lies ahead as you’ll either have the strength to overcome difficulties that may arise or may not be triggered by them at all!
  3. Promise- What can be more actionable to get something done than a promise (remember, an actual promise- no setting and forgetting!!) as well as making the plans and setting the reminders to execute it? And of course it helps to have…
  4. Companionship- Who/what is going to be there to help you stay accountable? When you feel like you “can’t”, who/what is going to be there to say you can (because you can!)??

So what about the final step? I guess I probably shouldn’t use the word “final” because that traditionally means it’s all over, which it’s really not. The fifth step in our transformation process is what I like to call Sustain, and yes, it’s exactly how it sounds.

Once you’ve gone through this process, you got to find a way to keep going. We’re all human, and quite frankly, it’s hard to get out of the habit of what we’re use to doing. Any kind of change (bad or good) is hard. So what does Sustain entail?

  • Repeat this (1-4) process again and again- This doesn’t necessarily mean to go in order from Belief to Companionship. Jump around as you need! If you ever find yourself struggling with visualizing yourself where you want to be, take some time to focus on that. If you have to remind yourself of the promises you’ve made, do that! Or if you feel like Google Calendar isn’t the kind of companion you need to help you anymore, switch it up a little and try something/someone new! Whatever area you feel like you need to give more attention to, focus on that! And keep going!
  • Find things that will strengthen you- What are some things you can surround yourself with more, to help you achieve your goal? If you have the goal of completing 10 hikes in a given year, what will help you do that? Music? Having your best friend by your side? Cute workout clothes? Bring them with you if that’s what it takes! I’ve also heard a rumor that good sleep and a healthy diet help in obtaining a healthy life style, so practicing those and making sure you see them regularly in your life will most likely give you the strength to persevere.
  • Let go of the things that don’t serve you- What reminders do you have that maybe weigh you down instead of help you up? If you’re working towards having healthy relationships but you’re held down by the hurt that comes from past ones that are still lingering, maybe rethink those relationships. Social media can have a positive impact on your life, but at least for me, it’s mostly negative. I didn’t feel like my relationships were genuine, so I got rid of it! As for past relationships, as much as it kills me to let go, making baby steps to do so improved my current relationships that I really cared about and were good for me! I know you can make the changes you need to end up with positive results as well!

Whatever goal you’re working on, you can do it! Tailor and apply these steps to your life to make what you want to happen, happen!

It feels SO great to get rid of the negative in life and to accomplish goals that I know get me closer to reaching my potential! I’ve been feeling the positive affects of it and it’s too good to not share, which is why I’m here! Please refer to these steps as often as you need, to help you reach your goals. If you want to dive deeper into these steps, I’m currently working on a program that does just that! I’m so excited about it and the results it will bring as many people are looking for a confidence to achieve mindset where they will be able to accomplish the goals they have for themselves as well as overcome obstacles that are holding them back. Feel free to reach out to me personally if you want to learn more about this (as no other information has been posted anywhere yet)! You can leave a comment or reach me at [email protected]. I can’t wait to hear from you! And don’t forget to comment below on how your progress is going!

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