Seeing Imperfection In A Better Light

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If you’re like me, sometimes the smallest mistake can set you back and really get you down. I’ve re-lived many moments of my life over in my head, wishing I had said something different or reacted in a better way. Experiencing again and again what seems to be the unavoidable embarrassment, especially when we can’t do anything more about it, can often be overbearing. What an awful way to live!

Nobody is perfect. We’re going to mess up. What’s so great is that it doesn’t end there, we can instead learn and grow from these mistakes!

The things I write about on this blog shockingly (I know, haha) won’t be perfect. Quite frankly, I’m not the best writer or communicator and my ideas won’t always come across how I mean them. What’s important is that no matter what we’re working towards, we’re trying (and I hope you can be patient with me as I am).

I love to relate this to driving a car. You can sit in the car and enjoy the leather seats and air conditioning all you want, but you’re not going to get anywhere with the car in park. By putting it in gear and giving it a little gas, you’ll be able to move, or progress. Just like a car, we can’t go anywhere if we stay still. We can’t be guided either. We need to put ourselves in motion first.

Of course it’s hard. It’s scary to think of messing up at all. It’s taken me a while to write each of these posts because of this fear. Although fear is valid, we can’t let it stop us. Through my experiences of pushing through no matter what, I’m learning to love mistakes because of the opportunities they lead to as well as what I learn in the process. For the blog example, I get the opportunity to look back and see how much better I’ve gotten and how I’m growing (I know I’m just getting started, but this is an example;)).

What can you do to see mistakes and imperfection in a better light? Is there something you’ve been meaning to try? What about someone in your life you’ve been wanting to reach out to but haven’t yet because of x, y, or z? Maybe it’s taking time to study meaningful quotes, scriptures, etc., to give you that little boost of encouragement. It’s okay if what you do doesn’t turn out how you expect. If it gets you going, great! Keep working at it. It’ll be neat to see your improvement.

Progression can’t happen if we’re already perfect. Take your mistakes and imperfections and love them! Celebrate the milestones!

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