The Spark Of Good That Can’t Die

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One day or another through the entirety of our lives, we’re bound to feel lost. Whether that comes from not feeling good enough, thinking you’ve failed your loved ones, not understanding your purpose, or not knowing what to do next (among many reasons), there’s always hope. That spark of good, no matter how dark your world feels, will always exist.

I’m one among many who can get to feel this way, though I’ve grown to know that goodness pretty well and intend to only dive in deeper. I’ve read books that have challenged me to live a better life and to help others, and each time I’ve listened and followed these new teachings, I’ve felt good. I’ve tuned in to the ways that goodness works and what it teaches, and each time I adhere to its whisperings, goodness spreads and the light in my life gets brighter.

With living in a world that can seem so dark at times, we need more light. With the many distractions and trials that attack our families, we need something to keep them safe. With the never-ending battles of uncertainty, self-doubt, loneliness, and more, we need strength to hold onto. As we work together to seek the good that is out there, we can learn to work with it and enhance it for the betterment of ourselves, our families, and the world.

What is one thing you can start doing now to grow that spark of good that’s already living inside you?

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