Three Elements That Build Up Reliable “Fuel”

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Back in October, I wrote this post. I wanted to share it again as it is such a great reminder! Thought I’d also give you a heads up that it’s a re-post because it talks about fall time (and March and October are definitely not the same, haha).


It’s that time of year! We’re already a couple weeks in with pumpkin spice, colorful leaves, crisp air, football games, and of course the anticipation of the holiday season! I know there are plenty of fantastic times of the year, but is there really a better time than this??

I don’t know about you, but I think about this time of year ALL. YEAR. LONG. Especially this year, I would consistently find myself getting excited at random moments that fall was coming (even if it was still 8 months away).

Enough about the details of how great fall is, why is it important that I’m bringing this up?

This month, the topic we’re highlighting is Fuel. I don’t mean fuel like car fuel…. Well, maybe a little bit (actually a lot).

When it comes to achieving our goals or visions we have for ourselves, how often do we find ourselves falling short of ever seeing them?

So what makes reliable fuel for us to use? Let me tell you the three important elements:

  1. Motivation- What is going to give you the willingness to make the necessary changes in your life, no matter how difficult the obstacles? What will be right behind you at all times, and push you through to the end?
  2. Energy- Do you have the energy you need to get you through? What can give you that?
  3. Joy- It can be pretty miserable if you’re not doing something you enjoy. Hard work (which is often what it takes to get us results) isn’t always that fun. So how can you get joy from this process?

The reason I brought up fall earlier is because (if you feel the same way about it that I do) it is a great example of fuel!! Think of all the things we’re doing in the months of September through November. How many social events there are, school starting up, it can be a very busy season for a lot of jobs, there’s a lot of preparing for holidays, and chores that need to be done to prepare for winter, etc. Despite all of this, fall is also a very motivating, energizing, and joyful time because of all the other things going on (even including some of the to-dos).

I hope you’re beginning to recognize how important it is to have fuel in your life if you’re working on accomplishing something (which hopefully is always). Could be small, could be big, but it’s going to be much easier and quicker to get there if you are fueled.

We’ll continue to learn more about fuel this month, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, is there anything in your life right now that has been or could be used as your source of fuel?


  1. “How Does a Cars Fuel System Works.” Sun Devil Auto, 27 Aug. 2021,,and%20eventually%20converted%20to%20exhaust.

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