Three Reasons You Might Want To Consider Adding Habits To Crush Your Goals

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Exercising used to be one of my absolute worst enemies (anyone feel me there?). I could get excited about a new routine or going on walks or runs every now and then, but once I started the process of trying to regularly stick to it (or really even just get it started up), I lost all motivation and care to keep going. It just wasn’t worth it to me.

Upon finding enough motivation to realize that this needed to be a priority in my life, and breaking it down enough to where I could handle it, I began setting small and daily habits to get me to move my body.

Not long after I got in the habit of these daily body movements, I began to build on them and what started out as doing something small that I enjoyed, turned into a habit of challenging myself to become stronger and healthier throughout each week.

Habits are incredibly powerful and can drive towards amazing results! I’m still currently working on this change in my life, but I’ve already seen so much improvement that I had to share this with you now!

There are three reasons (off the top of my head) that habits can benefit you in your goal-crushing process. Just one of them is enough for me to want to start applying habits in my life, but what about you? These three reasons are:

  1. You get to experience less stress and more enjoyment
  2. You don’t have to fight to remember to work toward your goal (or make sacrifices)
  3. The goal you’re aiming to reach naturally becomes who you are (you live your goal, which isn’t that what we want?)

Let me go into each one a little deeper:

You get to experience less stress and more enjoyment

Change is hard. It’s especially hard when it’s outside of what you’re comfortable with. Luckily when you set habits, it’s not anything big. When setting habits, you break down your goal into small bits that you can handle on a regular basis. This is great because you don’t look at your goal as some big thing you either have to live or work up to. It’s manageable, and if you create the right kind of habit, it’s really enjoyable. Not only are you able to see yourself make progress every day or a couple times a week, but you can feel it!

You don’t have to fight to remember to work toward your goal (or make sacrifices)

How many times have you not been able to reach a desired outcome because there’s a lot to it and it’s simply just too hard to remember to work on it? When tasks become habits, you don’t have to think about it, you just do it. You don’t have to remember to write those pages of the book you’ve been hoping to complete by the end of the year, it just happens. Not only that, but because these tasks are so ingrained in your life, you don’t have to make any sacrifices, because again, everything you need to do and focus on is already happening.

The goal you’re aiming to reach naturally becomes who you are (you live your goal, which isn’t that what we want?)

I think we can all relate to this point in regards to our health. How many of us want to be healthy every now and then and not always? We want our bodies to function well and not have to worry about anything concerning it. When health-related habits become part of who we are (we automatically are drawn to more fruits and vegetables and would actually prefer to stand rather than sit), we more naturally lean towards being healthy than not. Who wouldn’t want all the benefits that come with that??


These three reasons for including habits in our goal-setting process are fantastic, right? They are HUGE when you’re working on a transformation in your life, however if you’re not, habits might not be something to even try and worry about setting.

Habits aren’t the easiest to pick up (or drop). Have you ever experienced this? We’re told, as humans, that it takes about 21 days for us to pick up a new habit (though we’re all different, so this may vary a little). That’s three weeks! Depending on the goal you’re trying to accomplish, it might not even be worth it for you to try and change your life if your goal is only short-term.

A situation where habits may not be so applicable to you is if you have the goal to reach a certain weight by the time of that wedding coming up. The goal is great! But it’s meant to be forgotten after the wedding day approaches in a month or so. However, if you want to reach that weight and stay there, then you would want habits because you’re changing your life from how you’re currently living, permanently.

Simplified, the biggest way to tell if you should apply habits to achieving your goals is asking yourself if your goals are long-term, or if they’re creating a permanent change in you. These are great goals and you will definitely benefit from setting habits!


I hope this was helpful and that you now know whether or not you need to start applying habits to your goal-achieving process! I’ve never been let down by strong, healthy habits, and I’m sure you will see the best results as you learn to apply them to your life as well!

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