Three Things To Keep In Mind When Trying To Become Organized

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Sure the organized life sounds nice, but how many times have you tried to be organized, just to revert back to your old ways? It’s a common struggle that we all deal with here and there in our lives, so nothing to get too down on yourself about!

As the famous saying goes; “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Just as the magnificent city we look to and admire today was built upon patience, hard work, time, and lots of trial and error, we will need to use the same process as we do our best to build our version of Rome, whatever it may be. In this case, organization (if not already engrained in your habits) might be your Rome.

Here are three things to remember that may help you find reassurance as you work to incorporate organization in your life:

1. Come Up With A Plan

Take a moment to sit down with yourself and ask the following questions, answering them in as much depth as you would like:

What- What is it that I’m trying to accomplish, exactly?

Where- Where do I plan on practicing this in my life? What areas? (School, work, home, relationships, etc.)

Why- Why do I want this? (*This question is SO important! If you dig deep enough, it will be enough to motivate you no matter what obstacles you face)

How- How am I going to execute this? What are the exact steps needed for me to do? Do I need to communicate this to anyone to get further support?

Hopefully asking yourself these questions will help you draw up a plan that will allow you to visualize what your life could be! It’s important to note not to stop here but to actually then ACT on this plan!

2. Make It YOU!

We touched on this a little bit last week. When adopting a new way in your life, it’s much more likely to stick around and be enjoyable when it has you written all over it, metaphorically speaking.

Use your creativity, your joys, passions, and the things that really energize you and add them to your project!

For example, when I organize my home, I lay out items in specific places even if they aren’t necessarily “put away” and label that as their home. I know I’m a lot more likely to read a book or the scriptures if they’re set down in an open position either next to my bed or on our coffee table. I hope to pick up the skill of playing the guitar and becoming a painter, so I have a station set up for each in certain areas of my house where I’m most likely to see them and start doing them.

If you love a certain style or color, use that more often to re-create the spaces in your home or office!

If you get distracted easily by things laying around and want to overcome that, maybe invest in some storage that hides all the potential distractions so that you can focus on what’s most important!

Whatever your strengths and weaknesses might entail, use them to your benefit!

3. Accept That It’s Not Going To Be Perfect… At Least At First

Don’t let perfectionism keep you from getting organized. As time goes on, you’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t!

Progress isn’t going to ever happen if you succumb to the fear of not getting it right after the first few tries or by a certain point of time.

When I first began this blog, I would go weeks or even months without writing, in fear that it wasn’t going to be “good enough”. I had many drafts written up of posts I hoped would someday reach their potential, but in reality, my fear of not writing perfectly numbed me and I was frozen with no progress being made.

It wasn’t until I finally realized that I’m never going to reach perfection, and that that was okay, that I started to feel joy in my life and was finally making progress! We all have to start somewhere. Quite frankly, if we unrealistically start out and always were perfect, where would be the fun of trying to be better? We wouldn’t be able to look back and see how far we’ve come and that sounds like it would be pretty awful and boring ;p


You got this! Keep trying and don’t give up!

To help you get started, what are you going to start doing right now to implement these strategies in your life?

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