Three Ways Daily Motivation Reminders Can Change Your Life

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What events are reoccurring daily in your life? Is it your morning workout, making sure dinner is on the table every evening, your afternoon walk… something else? How do you remember to do those things every day?

Hopefully a lot of what you already do, you’re in the habit of and don’t need a reminder for. Brushing your teeth twice a day? For most people, that has been a habit since they were young and they don’t even really have to think about doing it, it just happens!

When attempting to create change in your life, it’s so much harder if you don’t have something consistent to be able to motivate you. Consistency is the first part of this (something reminding you daily) while motivation is the second part.

Before we get into the three ways daily motivation reminders can change your life, I want you to answer this question: What motivates you?

Motivation can come in many forms: treating yourself with a reward of some kind, punishing yourself in some way or another (nothing extreme!)… Motivation can be a simple sticky note reminder of “you got this” or, in my case, a checkmark on your schedule.

Now that you have your motivation in mind, keep it there as we walk through the three ways daily motivation reminders can help us:

First of all, daily motivation reminders are motivations themselves.

There is little more that makes me feel fulfilled in a day than being able to look at my calendar and see all those tasks check-marked to be “complete”. I found this to be a reward for me early in life and have been able to use it to my advantage! If there’s something that needs to be done, I make sure I have to go through my checkmark process and that just about 100% guarantees that thing will get done.

Thinking about your motivation, how can you use it each day to ensure that something you need to or want to get done, gets done? If this is something you really want to have (or really want to avoid), it will be extremely useful in helping you change your life!

Second, daily motivation reminders help you create a vision of what life could be (therefore painting a clearer picture).

One training that I was able to take part in as I’ve been learning to create a more balanced life walked through the different parts of our life (relationships, work, spiritual, finances, physical, etc.) that make up a “whole” and “balanced” life. I was so inspired by this training that I created a painting to visually represent what I learned and hung it somewhere I would see it every day. Doing this, it was hard to forget the things I committed to doing that day to help me grow and achieve this whole and balanced life. This painting was a daily motivation reminder that helped me to see what my life could be, creating a desire in me to prioritize my commitments so that I would succeed this time around with my goals instead of failing as I had done time and time again previously.

In what way, can you use what motivates you most to help you create a vision of what your life could be? What skills and talents do you have that could help you with that as well?

Third, it’s harder to avoid your goal with daily motivation reminders which means that you make little steps of progress every single day.

With just the first two examples mentioned in this article, can you see how hard it would be to avoid making any progress at all if you implemented a daily motivation reminder? If you have something you enjoy being part of your every-day life as well as an understanding of where you could be if you don’t give up, it would be harder not to make progress than to make it (even if it’s the tiniest of steps).

What are you going to do now, with this information that you now have? You’re here for a reason, and it shows that you’re ready for change, so why wait? You got this!!

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